Silverlight Overview
Microsoft Silverlight is a cross-browser, cross-platform implementation of the .NET Framework for building and delivering the next generation of media experiences and rich interactive applications (RIA) for the Web. Silverlight unifies the capabilities of the server, the Web, and the desktop, of managed code and dynamic languages, of declarative and traditional programming, and the power of Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
Silverlight enables you to create a state-of-the-art application that has the following features:
- It is a cross-browser, cross-platform technology. It runs in all popular Web browsers, including Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari, Google Chrome, and on Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac OS X.
- It is supported by a small download that installs in seconds.
- It streams video and audio. It scales video quality to everything from mobile devices to desktop browsers to 720p HDTV video modes.
- It includes compelling graphics that users can manipulate—drag, turn, and zoom—directly in the browser.
- It reads data and updates the display, but it doesn't interrupt the user by refreshing the whole page.
- The application can run in the Web browser or you can configure it so users can run it on their computer (out-of-browser).
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